Max Makes the Rounds at the Hotels
Yesterday we had to make some visits to two of the hotels to pick up supplies that were flown in by vacationers. Liz thought it would be fun if we brought a kitten along. So being old enough to travel and young enough as not to be totally out of control, we put Max in a basket and set off.
The first stop was the Mariott Ocean Club where we met up with Wally and Blue-eyes (who we met through one of the Aruban bulletin boards) to pick up a carrier they had for us. Immediately Blue-eyes fell in love with Max and wanted to take him home with her. Unfortunately he is still a bottle baby plus kittens have to be at least 8 weeks old to be transported.
While we were visiting and chatting people walking by would stop to pet Max and ask us questions about kitten rescue on Aruba. So many people in fact that we think we need to take weekly strolls along the hotel beachs just to publicise the rescue.
Our next stop was at the Amsterdam Manor to pick up powdered formula, toys, a kitten play cube and feeding bottle – all so generously donated by Theresa and her Bill. While sitting poolside, Theresa cradled Max the whole time, whistfully looking at her Bill and trying to think of who they knew that would be coming soon and could transport Max back to the states for them once he reached age. And again, passers-by stopped to ooooh and awwwh, giving us a chance to do some more promotion.
A huge thank you to everyone for your thoughtful and generous gifts