By Mick | Published:
May 28, 2010
Time is our enemy.
The Cally sisters urgently need homes. Toots, Sweets, Edna and Pickles
We are leaving the island at the end of June and are worried what their fate will be. Please spread the word that these adorable kittens need a home. They are very small for [...]
Meet the Calico Girls
On May 7th we picked up 4 calico kittens between the age of 3 -4 weeks old from the vet. They were found in a yard and turned into the vet for fear that their dogs would kill them. If we didn’t take them they would have been destroyed. They [...]
On Saturday (May 8th), Bee was adopted to a nice lady who is involved in animal rescue here and in the states. While we love Bee dearly and will miss her greatly, we knew that since our house is entirely full right now that it would be best if Bee [...]
On Friday (May 7th) we helped a lovely couple Annie and Kevin take home a cat that was at the hotel they were staying at. She had befriended them earlier in the week but on Thursday night it became love when Pinchita (the name of the tapas Annie was eating) jumped up on her [...]
By Mick | Published:
May 2, 2010
It started last Saturday when we met Sarah and Tim at the fund raiser for Cas de Animal Aruba. Liz and I were helping at the gala and we greeted Sarah and Tim as they arrived at the reception area. On vacation, they had seen the flier for the affair, and being animal lovers, they [...]
Keebler fully opened her eyes yesterday and weighs nearly a half pound. She is so cute and fuzzy. She’s eating well and ‘wobbling’ around. She’s about 16 days old now.
If you are interested in adopting her when she gets older, please contact us!