Lots of kitty love going on
The last few days we’ve had quite a few visitors. All brought along supplies and goodies with them from the states that are well appreciated.
As we gave the tour and pulled cats from under sofas and beds to show them off it was often hard to keep track of just who had been petted and fawned over. Of course the biggest attraction was the “Oreo Gang” – who can resist 6 week old kittens.
Everyone had a great time and it was wonderful to meet up with so many caring people. The best though was watching Peter and Gianna from Massachusets with all the cats and kittens. Gianna was so cute and so gentle with them – she has all the qualities of an animal care giver – and she’s only 3 years old. Peter and Gianna are now the proud sponsors of McLovin’ who was very good posing with the kids!
Also stopping by were Amy and Kim who we met through the Aruba forums as well as Peter and Gianna’s mom and dad.