Mango and Coconut are leaving today for the DC area and then will go to their new home in NJ! Melissa and her husband have been anxiously awaiting their new ‘arrivals’. They have set up toys and everything they need for them to live a very happy life.
So happy days for Aruban Kitten [...]
Author Archives: lizzardo
Last of the two “Office Kittens” leaving today
2 Office kittens and 2 ‘friends’ going to Del Moines!
The two office kitten girls and 2 other kittens who were just ‘turned into the vet’ are leaving tomorrow for Del Moines, IA. We have 2 happy families anxiously awaiting their new bundles of joy.
The other 2 office cats are heading out next week. And the black one has been [...]
Balashi’s story
A great family staying at the ABC fell in love with a cat they named “Balashi”. Their 11 year old son is completely head over heels in love with him and asked him mom if he could use his ‘Aruba money’ to take him home. Only problem is that they are flying Spirit airlines which [...]
Office mom and babies are now in a safe place!
Here is mom and kittens who were found in an office. We are looking for homes for mom and kittens. We are working on what their age is and figure 3 weeks – but are waiting for the vet to tell us. They are now at the Conteras vet in Noord for safe keeping. [...]
Office Mom and Kittens
We have been in contact with a very nice business owner who moved into a new place to find a mom with 5 kittens living there. They will be moved to Conteras vet for a few weeks until the kittens are ready for adoption. As you can see in the picture, Mom found a really [...]
Join us on Facebook
Aruba Kitten Rescue now has it’s own facebook page. Please become a fan and join us!
We are doing a lot more posts there and love the feedback
AKR on Facebook
Oscar is now Canadian!
Oscar has made it to Canada! He was so good on the plane that Sue was amazed. It seems that all our cats know that they are going to a good place and are on their best behavior on the plane. Here is a picture of Sue, Oscar and Yessy from the vet. It [...]
Hotel Cat Rescue and Orphan Rescue will continue on!!!
We are so happy to announce this!
Aruba Kitten Rescue is proud to announce that we have made arrangements to continue our hotel cat rescue program. Carriers and harnesses can be dropped off and picked up at Veterinaire Kliniek Noord which is past the light in Noord and at Contreras Veterinary Services which is very close [...]
One special Rescue
One last rescue: While staying here at La Cabana, Susan met Oscar (the name she gave him) who was very hungry and mooching food from the guests on the main floor. Over the past ten days she had been feeding him real cat food, and he’s been lapping it up. She spent much of [...]