A great family staying at the ABC fell in love with a cat they named “Balashi”. Their 11 year old son is completely head over heels in love with him and asked him mom if he could use his ‘Aruba money’ to take him home. Only problem is that they are flying Spirit airlines which is the only airline that does not allow pets at all (including service animals). We put the word out that we were looking for someone to bring Balashi back to NJ and his new family. A wonderful lady, Deb, got in touch with us and she brought Balashi back to his new home after he spent a week in boarding. What a wonderful story. Balashi has totally made himself comfortable in his new home and is getting lots of pats and love!
I will put pictures up as soon as I can because there are quite a few of them and it’s not as easy as facebook to put up pictures!