We are so happy to announce this!
Aruba Kitten Rescue is proud to announce that we have made arrangements to continue our hotel cat rescue program. Carriers and harnesses can be dropped off and picked up at Veterinaire Kliniek Noord which is past the light in Noord and at Contreras Veterinary Services which is very close to the hotels too. The vets will also assist with doing the checkup and issuing the paperwork needed. All proceeds will go to spaying and neutering cats of Aruba which is sorely needed. We are also continuing our orphan kitten program by supplying KMR (kitten milk replacement) and bottles at the vets for fostering kittens who are not of the age of eating food yet.
We are in desperate need of the following:
- Carriers (soft)
- Small harnesses and leashes
Please mark all items “aruba kitten rescue”
Eric De Cuba and the Contreras’ family have been wonderful these past years assisting us with our adoptions and we are so glad that both vets has agreed to continue this wonderful program. We would like to also thank Kiki from FCA for helping us out with our efforts too!
Here is the location, map, hours and information needed to the Veterinaire Kliniek Noord :
Veterinaire Kliniek Noord
Here is the website for Contreras Veterinary Services:
Contreras Veterinary Services