Aruba Kitten Rescue has changed our mission that we will only continue our hotel cat rescue program. Carriers and harnesses can be dropped off and picked up at Veterinaire Kliniek Noord which is past the light in Noord and at Contreras Veterinary Services which is very close to the hotels too. The vets will also assist with doing the checkup and issuing the paperwork needed. We don’t get many cash donations, so most of that goes towards our vet bills. We are sorry that we have no facilities or people willing to foster kittens. Therefore, if you have found a kitten or cat that you can not adopt to take home you will need to look to other rescue organizations in Aruba.
Due to family obligations, it’s hard for me to maintain this website. We invite you to visit our facebook page at Aruba Kitten Rescue
We are in desperate need of the following:
- Carriers (soft)
- Small harnesses and leashes
- Flea/Tick treatments
Please mark all items “aruba kitten rescue”
Eric De Cuba and the Contreras’ family have been wonderful these past years assisting us with our adoptions and we are so glad that both vets has agreed to continue this wonderful program. We would like to also thank Kiki from FCA for helping us out with our efforts too!
Here is the location, map, hours and information needed to the Veterinaire Kliniek Noord :
Veterinaire Kliniek Noord
There is no website for Contreras Veterinary Services any more. So please contact me for contact
information. They are able to board cats over the weekend where the other vet can not.