Ruby was adopted March 21st



Ruby was a little kitten that was found at a high rise hotel  by a loving family who had 2 teen girls.   The girls named her Ruby which is short for Aruba.  They had befriended this kitten the entire week while they were at the Marriott.  They had tried to put her with some other cats but found that she was getting attacked by them.  When they came to us,  they had said that they would like to take her home with them.  We were lucky because the vet was open and had said they would see her to issue a health certificate.  While at the vets,  we made airline reservations for Ruby so she could fly in the cabin with the family the next day when they were due to leave.  Needless to say that this was a case that was “meant to be”.    We would like to thank Yessy at the vets office for all her help and support with this effort!

We have not heard back from the family since they left.  We’ll keep you updated if we hear any progress reports!

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